Hi Teri,I would like thank

Hi Teri,
I would like thank you for an awesome April challenge, it was just what I needed to up-level myself and ensure my personal accountability! The flexibility of the challenge was AWESOME!!! The simplicity, yet still challenging was excellent!!! I personally did not take my measurements, as I was truly doing this for the motivation, accountability and yes if I lose some inches that is even better!!! Thank you so much for all that you do and the support you give 💜

Sabrina Moir

Thank you for a great 28 days!

Thank you for a great 28 days! It’s amazing how exercise during this crazy time can really help mentally and physically. What I really loved was the “ cheerleaders” cheering each other on…. an amazing group of women ❤️💪🏻

Laurell MacGillivray

I love working-out with you Teri

I love working-out with you Teri and I love doing the 28 day challenge keep me motivated.

Josie northrup

This booty challenge was the best!!! I highly recommend any fitness program from Teri D Fit. She is such an inspiration and makes you sweat hard!! She’s the best!!Teri d’s workouts are what I look forward to each and everyday. Even my 7 year old says to her friends ‘I cannot use ‘mommy’s phone until she does TeriD’s workout’ lol 😂 Teri D offers fun but challenging workouts from home. They are perfect for the busy Mom, fitness beginner, or someone looking to add more variety to their daily workouts. The online environment is supportive, encouraging and motivating. There is no better feeling then finishing the workout, having a good sweat and seeing yourself getting stronger each and every week. I highly recommend Teri D Fitness and her online booty challenge. 

“The gym is a place I use to dread but training with TeriDFit has changed my entire perspective on the whole thing. I started out with a “Bootycamp” and was instantly hooked on TeriD’s energetic being. She filled the room with confidence and made it something I look forward to twice a week. She is so knowledgable and passionate about health and fitness IT IS contagious.
SO – Wanting more, But not feeling confident enough to head to a gym, I started one on one training with TeriD at her home Fitness gym. I am definetly someone that needs to be pushed to reach my fitness goals and she does that with great motivation and truly cares about each of her clients results! I felt at home, and comfortable, And the great thing about TeriD is She’s always been there – though text messages, or reaching out on her social media pages. She’s there supporting you and responding to your personal needs.
Unfortunately- our One on One time didn’t last long,and had been postponed due to Covid-19.
I was so upset and worried about loosing my momentum on my fitness goals. However within DAYS this amazing Woman rose to the challenge of helping us Ladies at home!! With her online TeriD Fitness program.
It’s so great to be in a positive group – with Ladies who are in the same boat – supporting and encouraging you along. TeriD has made it fun with extra workout challenges, chances to win cool things, water Wednesday’s, and looking at everyone’s “sweaty selfies” , meal tips and some live workouts to join in with her and the ladies!! She even made us her personal music list – as requested!! She goes above and beyond.
For an online group – it feels very personal. And these days we all need that extra love & support.
I have not lost large amounts of pounds – HOWEVER; EVERY INCH of my Body is feeling toned and strong. I have an An increase in short- and long-term endurance. I have had amazing results in core strength for balance and focus, Faster muscle recovery, as well as increase in muscle size and strength. An Added bonus for me has been Something to look forward to daily, a routine of getting up early to workout, (workout’s are great and to the point, They’ll make you sweat !!) also Mental clarity, and confidence, . Above all – I feel I’ve gained a true supporter of myself, and my fitness goals and a friendship in TeriD.
BUT …. As TeriD told me ; Scales suck! Let those jeans do the talking! So I have. I was a size 8, tight, TIGHT 6 – Now a very comfortable size 6! And confidence to smile .
It’s great to see TeriD is able to train all body types and is so versatile!
From a pro athlete trying to stay in shape and improve his/her physical strength to a girl like me just trying to look and feel confident in a bikini!
I highly recommend this group, and am definitely in on the next round !! xo
Sarah Elizabeth – Fredricton N.B

This was the kick start I needed on my weight loss. Combining this with proper nutrition, H20 and walking has been golden. I am down 7.5” and was almost 2 weeks late joining the April challenge. I am so happy you decided to offer this online option, due to working evenings I am unable to commit to in person work outs. I think you are onto something big here girl ❤️ An added bonus to your already successful career. Xo 

I heard about your booty challenge from a mutual friend via her FB post and was so glad I did. I started on my weight loss/get back into shape the first of January and need a change. This booty challenge was the change I needed! As hard as it has been I have loved it! Although now a tad injured I’m not letting it stop me completely…I’m struggling with the pounds but I can feel a difference in my body shape and that is my encouragement to keep going! Thank you Teri D! Can’t wait for the next challenge on the 11th! 💕

I look forward to this everyday! Thank you for making me push myself, I know there is always more in the tank! Can’t wait for the next and hope outdoor bootycamp on the field is on this summer! I forgot to say that, I cannot believe how much stronger I got and most of all, how much more committed I have become to working out.! It’s so much more important to me now!I joined this challenge with some friends but honestly, did not expect to stick with it. Starting this boot camp with Teri was a huge change for me. Before, I was completely unmotivated and got very little exercise.I’ll admit; being a person who hasn’t exercised since gym class 10 years ago, the first week was tough for me. Teri was so kind through out the whole process. Her encouragement is what made me stick to it and made me believe i could do it. I am so glad I stuck with it because by the second week I felt better about myself and over all had more energy. By week 3 i was actually looking forward to the work outs and my mental health improved greatly. The exercises were challenging yet fun and definitely got my heart pumping. I have finally gotten into a routine that I want to stick with!I definitely feel more confident in my body and my mind. I am proud to say that I now have a little booty instead of a pancake. I’ve made it this far and love it! Teri has helped me accomplish my goals over the past 4 weeks and I cannot wait to take the next steps and concur my goals with her!Everything about this program is exactly what I needed. I felt like my whole world got turned upside down as I am sure most have. I’m the type of person that needs structure, I love having a schedule. This group kept me grounded, I felt like I had something to look forward to everyday. I miss my one on one training with you Teri but this is a great group too. Women empowering women to be healthier and more fit. I feel stronger everyday and can’t wait for the next round! 

The online booty challenge helped keep me sane during the coronavirus and social distancing. It helped knowing that every day I had a workout to do, was accountable to and had the support of Teri’s online community. Teri is always positive and cheers us all on. Thank you Teri!

THANK YOU so much for this 28daychallenge!!!! It has been a big help on my mental & emotional health during this time!! I can say I haven’t missed a workout! It has build my confidence, strength& motivation over the past few weeks and has also guided me to lifestyle changes!!! I love your encouragement & inspiration! I hope the online challenge continues! It’s been so GREAT to be part of it. #youareawesome #thankyousomuch 💪🙌💦💯💋🍑 xo

Teri, Where do I start , WOW this booty challenge has been physical and my Mental medication for this month ! You are amazing and your work outs are amazing ! Feel the burn💪! I’m not the best at writing my thoughts , so just a big thank you for everything and I can’t wait to see what the next challenge brings ! You are amazing and have the best attitude 😘
Thanks girl Xo jenn 

Where to start….Teri was wonderful….challenging exercises, bonus workouts, food tips for a very reasonable price. I like the group support and enjoyed the live workout! I am pleased to say that I see results, the scale is down a bit and my booty is lifting!!! Who doesn’t want that! But most importantly my mental health has improved, I look forward to working out most days….hey I’m human! 

This was exactly what I needed during this difficult time we are going through. I feel stronger and proud of myself for doing this this every day or some double ups if i couldn’t do the Sunday’s. I also walked at least 6k each day. I’m still gone do it next week even though you are not having a week class. Mentaly some days, missing my kids, have been so hard but this helped me through it, even with tears through out the difficult days missing a hug! Thank you Teri glad your my neighbor and got to know you better ⚘❤

This booty challenge has done so much for me mentally. I was struggling to consistently workout and take the time for me. I love how the workouts were short but intense, which allowed me to stay focused the whole time not watching the clock like I have in the past. The content was on point along with the recipes and bonus workouts! I have been part of Teri’s boot camps many times and for me personally with two little kids at home, I love being able to workout at home and not find someone to keep the kids. I can not wait for the next round! Thank you Teri ❤️

In the past I have done Teri’s live boot camps and her one on one training. This 28 Day Booty Challenge added another dimension to this ladies dynamic ability to motivate others and influence healthy lifestyles. I enjoyed every work out, often feeling it from head to toe :). I welcomed the support of others on our FB group. The sharing of goals, accomplishments and recipes kept me going! This was a great way to stay motivated and keep a regular routine. Thanks to Teri and all my fit friends for this great experience. 

The workouts were a great way to start my day. Enjoyed the variety This is the first time I’ve done any program through Teri and i an hooked! The vibe she gives off is addicting. She keeps you feeling so good and so motivated!I know if Im having a rough day that her comment or her msges will definitely turn it around. I am so excited for the next challenge to start. If you haven’t already you NEED to try one out. Thank you x10 Terri for giving me back the part of me that I was missing!xo